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So Your Girlfriend LOVES food? Best Date Idea for Foodie Couples

Being a Foodie means you have a keen interest in food and trying out new foods is a hobby of yours. You eat for the experience, not just to fill your belly. I'm sitting here eating a heavenly piece of cheese cake and drinking a coffee, and at this moment it feels like the best day of my life. Nothing really noteworthy has happened today, but that is how good quality food makes me feel -- like I'm in the right place at the right time. Call me a Foodie if you will.

My boyfriend (former chef) has a similar obsession with food, and it's something we bond over. We love cooking, we love eating out, and we love trying foods we've never tried before! We recently had one of the best dates I've ever experienced, and it's a great idea for any other Foodie couples out there.

Seaside Airstreams
Image of Airstream Row in Seaside by Richard Nix. Unmodified image: License. Source: Flickr/ Creative Commons.

For our date we headed out to the Florida county road called 30A on a Saturday morning. A handful of artisan communities (such as Seaside where The Truman Show movie was filmed) reside along 30A. The community has a reputation for being ritzy (expensive boutique shops and fine dining abound) but it's also very laid back, quiet, and the atmosphere is casual. 30A resides on the Gulf Coast and anywhere you stand you're never more than ten minutes from the beach.

We gazed out the windows in amazement at the beach homes and giant houses as we drove in his truck, playfully imagining what it'd be like if we could live here permanently. Rumor has it that Paris Hilton has a mansion in the area. Eventually, the winding road led us to our destination: Seaside's Famous Airstream Row. Here you can find six or so food trucks, each serving a unique cuisine. We came with an appetite, and we had a mission! Try an item from every food truck!

First up was Sóng, serving south-east Asian and Vietnamese cuisine. Rather than saving the best for last, I think we tried the best first! This was my favorite of the day. We ordered pork sliders with pickled carrot, Daikin, radish, cilantro, and avocado aioli. I also tried Ginger Beer (nonalcoholic drink) there and loved it!
Seaside Airstreams

Second Stop: Barefoot BBQ severing hormone-free, steroid-free, and antibiotic-free BBQ. We ordered a pork sandwich with 1/3 pound of pulled pork on toasted bread with a side of purple slaw and a side of mac-n-cheese. Hearty and delicious! I was pretty stuffed after this! 

Seaside Airstreams

"I had a meltdown on 30A!" is the humorous slogan of this food truck. The Meltdown on 30A serves grilled cheese sandwiches with unique gourmet ingredients. We ordered a goat cheese and prosciutto sandwich, and not pictured is the also tasty bri and bacon sandwich we had.

Meltdown on 30A Airstreams

Alright guys, we just couldn't eat any more! Our last stop was the organic juice bar, Raw and Juicy. I had an Antioxidant smoothie, and Adam had the Zippy Hula juice. We traded sips, and agreed both tasted fresh from the vine! That's my kind of eating.

Raw and Juicy Menu

Raw and Juicy Airstream Seaside

We were able to eat at four of the six food trucks before our stomachs were full and our wallets were empty. You and your date might want to take turns paying, because this date adds up fast! The two airstreams we skipped were Frost Bites and Wild Bill's Beach Dogs. We will be heading back to the Seaside Airstreams in the future! Take your food-loving date out to Seaside to try one or all of the vintage airstreams on 30A!!

Full, happy, and ready to hit the beach!

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