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Sugar Cookies: Sweet, Simple and Customized Just For You

Karen Greenert is one heck of a baker, even if she doesn’t consider herself one. Twenty four year old Greenert is an entrepreneur with an artistic spirit. “I don’t know if I consider myself a baker or a pastry chef. The reason I like doing what I do is because it’s a form of art. It allows me to be creative in a way that can be appreciated by a lot of people,” Greenert expressed. Kay Louise Sweets was created by Greenert in October 2014 and provides unique made-to-order sugar cookies for any event along the Emerald Coast. These are not the stale short bread cookies you get from a box, but homemade, hand-crafted artisan cookies. “Everything is from scratch,” says Greenert, “The ingredients are simple.”

Simplicity is what often makes things memorable. We remember the homemade birthday cakes made for us as children and the sandwiches that were packed in our lunches. How is something simple enjoyed so much? It’s a realization of the effort, care, and thoughtfulness that went into making it. An element that makes Greenert’s cookies so special is the time that goes into creating them.                                                                       

As Greenert described the process of baking her cookies to me, I realized that this is something she dedicates hours and hours to. An order of one dozen sugar cookies can take three to four days to perfect. Preparing the dough and baking the cookies is actually the shortest part of the process. Greenert makes her own icing and decorates each cookie by hand. She has to get the coloring and consistency just right. “This is probably what takes the most time as far as prepping for decorating,” said Greenert. Once the cookies have completely cooled, usually an overnight process, Greenert can apply the base layer of icing. Before she can start adding details or additional layers of icing for the design, each layer much dry for at least 6 hours.

Often staying up into the early hours of the morning baking hundreds of cookies to meet the orders from her clients, Kay Louise Sweets is a labor of love. The reward comes from the reassuring praise of her happy customers. “It’s the best feeling. Clients will immediately call me after their event and tell me how good they tasted and great they looked,” Greenert said. Each cookie is intricately detailed and crafted for the customer. Once the baking, cooling, and drying are complete Greenert gets to enjoy her favorite part – decorating. Her methods vary depending on the order, sometimes hand painting with food coloring, piping icing with a piping bag or bottle, or using her airbrushing system to paint on stenciled designs.

Having only been up and running less than a year, Greenert feels like she still has a lot to learn about running a business and meeting her customers’ needs. She has been off to a great start this year, filling orders for birthdays, bridal showers, baby showers and more. Living on the Emerald Coast is the perfect place to launch her business Greenert believes, and she has a vision for growth. “I am thankful I can start it [Kay Louise Sweets] here,” she says, “Word gets out and travels fast.” The Emerald Coast has provided a home for many small businesses, artists and even bakers. Greenert finds herself nestled comfortably in a community that supports and values the quality of handcrafted goods, especially those made for the table.
Find Kay Louise Sweets on Facebook:
Photos provided by Karen Greenert.

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